Men One
Men One
Men One
Men One
Men One
Men One
Men One
Men One
Men One

Men One


Harga normal649.000,00
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If you're one of those who thinks that Satisfyer only make products for women — we're delighted to tell you that you're wrong! And, to prove this, we'd like to introduce you to one of the most incredible masturbators available today — the Satisfyer Men One.

What makes the Satisfyer Men One so special?

The advertising for this masturbator leaves no room for doubt. The popular porn actor Rocco Siffredi claims that this product provided him with the best orgasm of his life. Whether this is an exaggeration or not, what’s clear is that the stimulation delivered by the Satisfyer Men One male masturbator is absolutely second to none. 

How does it achieve this? Exclusive technology that utilizes vacuum pressure pumps that adapt to penises of all shapes and sizes. The Satisfyer Men One also has a futuristic and sporty bullet-shaped design and a cover made of a material called Cyberskin. But let's take it one step at a time. We want you to understand how this extraordinary masturbator works. 

The Satisfyer Men One has two distinct parts:

  • A rigid part which is the base of the Satisfyer Men One mechanism. On the outside, it's a masturbator, but on the inside, its soft sleeve has two silicone zones that trap the air. What's so important about these two zones? While using your Satisfyer, squeeze the two pads on the outside to inflate these two air retention zones. You'll feel this effect directly in your penis as the interior tunnel of the Satisfyer Men One gets tighter. That makes it possible for you to choose your desired level of compression when masturbating. If you want to release the pressure, the Satisfyer Men One has a small circular button which when pressed, will return your masturbator to its initial state. In short, this rigid part has a pump adjustment feature that allows you to regulate the internal pressure by pressing its buttons. Use this to achieve the desired tightness, control the intensity — and your level of arousal.
  • A silicone sleeve or head: we could say that this silicone sleeve is directly responsible for giving you pleasure. It's the part of the Satisfyer that will be in direct contact with your penis. The sleeve, made of a special material called Cyberskin, has a soft and ultra-pleasant texture that will ensure you gain maximum enjoyment. It's very similar to human skin— both in its texture and temperature. What's more, the stimulation it delivers is similar to both oral and vaginal sex. 

Cleaning your Satisfyer Men One is just so simple. Remove the sleeve from the Satisfyer Men One, turn it inside out, and wash it with warm water and neutral soap. Leave it to air and don't put it back inside the case until it's completely dry. Once your sleeve is dry, place it in the case and put on the cap for hygienic storage. For optimal maintenance, use Satisfyer Men Renewing Powder. This ensures perfect preservation of the sleeve and it won't become sticky after multiple uses.

When using your Satisfyer Men One, at Cintalia we recommend that you use a water-based lubricant —both at the base of the masturbator and on your penis. If you feel there's a little too much friction when masturbating, simply apply a little more lubricant which will be dispersed throughout the entire sleeve.

Want a tip? Remove the sleeve from its case and immerse it in hot water.. Wait until the head gradually reaches a pleasant temperature and make your experience even more satisfying. However, don't forget to dry it well before placing it in the case.

In short, a technology based on an air pump system that allows you to customise your stimulation during masturbation. The pressure regulator and the soft sleeve provide incredibly realistic sensations and help deliver the most intense orgasms

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